Colleen had a great time talking love, dating and relationships on the Dear Mattie Show DEAR MATTIE SHOW
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Colleen had a great time talking love, dating and relationships on the Dear Mattie Show DEAR MATTIE SHOW
There are a lot of things to consider when getting divorced. This article is meant to give you a basic orientation of aspects of your life to be mindful of when divorcing. The purpose is to help you best keep your sanity as you weather the emotional storm and enter the next chapter of your…
I’ll be a guest speaker at this weekend’s Second Saturday workshop. This workshop is for anyone going through the process of divorce, or thinking about it. This workshop is designed to educate you about the emotional, financial and legal aspects of divorce. It is presented to you by The following aspects of divorce will…
Happy Father’s Day to all the men out there who have come to fulfill that role. I was born to a great one – he was kind, loving and supportive and he taught me about overcoming obstacles, pursuing my dreams and good leadership. He’s no longer alive, but he sure lived a triumphant life. To…
In the field of relationship psychology, we absolutely know that one partners’ behavior does affect how the partner interacts with them. When one person in the relationship is perpetually negative, it can have dire consequences on said relationship. Contemporary research in the field of relationship satisfaction has demonstrated that there are some key factors that…