Some information on Veterans and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
(These statistics are taken from several websites – all are featured in the resource section of this article).
- 1 in 5 veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars are diagnosed with ptsd.
- It is estimated that 30% of Vietnam vets have PTSD (all these years later, this is considered “chronic” in nature.
- More than 40 percent of Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans responding to a recent survey said they did not seek mental health care because of a perceived negative impact on their careers. (Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Member Survey 2012).
- Health Care for Veterans with PTSD costs 3.5 times more than for one without ptsd. ((
- 22 service members per day are committing suicide.
- In the general population, it is estimated that 7 or 8 people out of 100 develop ptsd at some point in their life. In contrast, when looking at our current troops serving in Operation enduring Freedom or Operation Iraqui Freedom, it is estimated that they will develop PTSD at a rate of 11-20 out of 100.
- For troops suffering from combat trauma, 2 out of 3 of their marriages are failing. That’s over 200,000 military divorces.
- 1/3 of our nation’s homeless are veterans. This needs to change! We have a responsibility to them! They served for us and we, as a nation, need to be prepared to help them.
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