Media Mentions
San Diego Therapist Dr. Colleen Mullen’s Appearances on Media Outlets
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San Diego Therapist Dr. Colleen Mullen’s Appearances on Media Outlets
By: Valerie Holcomb, MFTi Have you ever wondered why your child is acting out? They want attention and as a parent you might feel like these demands never stop (for more info on that, click here). In situations like this, teaching your child limits and making some time to spend with your child can…
Written by: Valerie Holcomb, MFTI Often, your child’s…
When your child displays problem behavior, it can be one of the most frustrating stages they can go through. They are old enough to know they are misbehaving, but too young to understand rationalizing. Here are some ideas about what your child’s behavior may mean. Recognizing the Four Goals of Your Child’s Misbehavior By: Valerie…