Media Mentions
San Diego Therapist Dr. Colleen Mullen’s Appearances on Media Outlets
Providing Telehealth and Consultation Meetings - What can I help you with?
San Diego Therapist Dr. Colleen Mullen’s Appearances on Media Outlets
We start in one place. Repackaging. It’s a word I think of often. We repackage products when necessary, and sometimes we even repackage ourselves. I think of this as emotional repackaging. I know when I have reflected on my life, I think of times when I had to adopt a way of being on the…
There are a lot of things to consider when getting divorced. This article is meant to give you a basic orientation of aspects of your life to be mindful of when divorcing. The purpose is to help you best keep your sanity as you weather the emotional storm and enter the next chapter of your…