Dr. Mullen’s very first blog post, on Sherry Gaba’s website. Sherry is the therapist on “Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew”.
We have all heard someone say, “I just don’t think I have what it takes to succeed” or “I feel stuck in my life”.
People complain that lack of motivation, personal accountability and consistency holds them back but they often only have vague ideas about what success really looks like.
A commonly held belief about lack of success is insufficient confidence to go after success. Another is a perception of low self-esteem holding one back.
It’s not uncommon for people to let troubles from their childhood keep them fixed in the belief they don’t deserve anything better as an adult.
The problem is that people rarely perceive themselves accurately. What actually blocks a person from achieving their goals is fear.
They often hold their fear without being consciously aware of it. To find out more about these common fears, read the conclusion of this article at