Media Mentions
San Diego Therapist Dr. Colleen Mullen’s Appearances on Media Outlets
Providing Telehealth and Consultation Meetings - What can I help you with?
San Diego Therapist Dr. Colleen Mullen’s Appearances on Media Outlets
Dr. Jonathan Singer Dr. Jonathan Singer is a foremost expert on suicide prevention. He is also the host of the Social Work Podcast. It was a strange honor to do a live conversation with him to help process my experience of surviving my brother’s suicide. This episode covers so much. We discuss suicide prevention…
The White House Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release September 09, 2015 Presidential Proclamation — World Suicide Prevention Day, 2015 WORLD SUICIDE PREVENTION DAY, 2015 – – – – – – – BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION All people deserve the opportunity to live…